Community Media &
We are involved in delivering the Building Better Opportunities Programme, part funded by the European Social Fund.
The BBO project has received £54,945 of funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England. The Department for Work and Pensions is the Managing Authority for the England European Social Fund programme. Established by the European Union, the European Social Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support skills development, employment and job creation.
Building Better Opportunities
Project Aim
In line with the SEMLEP European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy, this project will tackle worklessness to raise the aspirations of people and communities, and support participants to overcome barriers, increase in confidence and move into, or nearer to, paid employment.
The project will provide support for the following identified target groups across Luton and Dunstable and Houghton Regis area of Central Bedfordshire. These are amongst the most disadvantaged people, often with multiple and complex needs, and require support to move into employment. These are:
- Young people (15 to 24) will be supported into education, training or apprenticeships to help set them on their chosen career path
- BME and migrant workers will be given support with English language skills, to convert existing qualifications, and to gain knowledge of the British employment market
To find out more or to register on the programme please contact Mehbub Koyes on 01582-725500 or email: [email protected]
Case Studies
Diverse FM has helped many local young people to develop skills and self esteem through media training courses. We have put together some case studies to show the outcomes from our work for the local community.
Achievements 2011-2012
With the support of a grant from Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities Programme, Diverse FM set up a successful Community Media and Training Project in October 2010. The followings are some of the outstanding key achievements the project has achieved in the first two years of its operation.
Video Evaluation
Diverse FM Community Media & Training (DFM) has nearly 20 years’ experience and track record of working with the diverse communities, in and around Luton, including those experiencing sustained unemployment and barriers to employment and learning
In the last three years DFM has successfully delivered 8 DWP funded “Back to Work” programme, targeted at adults experiencing moderate mental health, unemployment and furthest away from job market. On each of the programme we’re successful in recruiting more learners than our target, with more than 70% from BAME background. Whilst achieving 90% retention and 80% progression rate.
In last two years, DFM have successfully delivered 4 x ESF Community Grant funded programme, targeted at adults who were unemployed and inactive in the labour market and experiencing barriers to employment. Our target was to recruit 15 learners on each programme and provide them with a range of training, qualification and work experience opportunities. DFM was able to retain 100% learners into a 12 weeks programme and were able to support more than 50% with progression into employment or further education/training.
Following video evaluation will demonstrate learner’s achievement (those agreed to be filmed) and our ability to engage with diverse communities, including BAME communities.
Summer School
Summer School project is jointly organised by Diverse FM Community Media and Training and Mitalee Youth Association, and supported by a range of partner agencies from both public and voluntary and community sector, including:
- Luton Borough Council
- Bedfordshire Police
- Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service
- Maidenhall Junior School
- Safer Luton Partnership
- Community Interest Company Luton (CIC)
- TOKKO, Brook
- 4YP
- New Horizon
- Walk to Freedom Foundation
- Bedfordshire & Luton Community Foundation
- #iwill
- London Luton Airport
- Drugs and Alcohol Services in the Community
… and many others.
Summer School has been running in the Bury Park area of Luton for over 27 years.